Exchange Agreement Employment Permit

Posted by Employment Permits Ireland

Exchange Agreement Employment Permits facilitate the employment in the State of foreign nationals pursuant to prescribed agreements or other international agreements to which the State is a party.

Either the foreign national or the employer may apply for an Exchange Agreement Employment Permit and the employment permit is issued to the foreign national, and a certified copy sent to the employer, which permits his/her employment in the State by the employer in the occupation and location specified on the permit.

Exchange Agreement Employment Permits may be issued for differing periods up to a maximum of two years, depending on the type of exchange agreement.

Employee Criteria:

Applications will only be accepted in respect of employees where:

The remuneration offered is the National Minimum Wage or higher.
They possess the relevant qualifications, skills, knowledge or experience for the occupation.
The exchange or international agreement applies to the foreign national concerned and the application is supported by a letter from the exchange organisation.

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